being impossible

I hate it when you call my name
and meant two cappucinos by the sidewalk
or window shopping
or just a simple hi.

I want things to be complicated
enough with this plateaued simplicity!
I want peaks and valleys and troughs
like a heart attack on EKG.

I want you to look me in the eye
then feel embarrassed
So embarrassed that you'd blurt out something corny
and Hollywood-ish
like how breathtakingly beautiful my eyes are
or something like that
it doesn't have to be extremely creative
and then you'd make me swear
that I'll never repeat this to anyone else.
You've got an uncaring reputation to live up to.

Yes, I want you to be cool and all that when we're with our friends
but your fingers, those enchanting animals!
I want them to shiver endlessly
when you're with me
and I want to see you trying to hide it
by holding a magazine
or a cup of coffee
and they don't work
Then you would grab my hand
as your last resort
you would blush and say something about this damn weather
And I shall muster all my arrogance
and say something about how cold your fingers are
Damn weather.

I want to catch you reading a girly magazine
and check my zodiac before yours
though we both know
the planets and the stars have no say in this.

I want to be your idea of reason's futility
you are mine.

I want you to be the world's biggest feminist
though you don't have a bra to burn
But when it's just me and you
we'd talk about picket fences
and pink toothbrushes.

I want you
to call my name
and meant just that.